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As a land or home developer you want to differentiate your project from other projects in the neighborhood, but let’s be honest. Is another golf course or green belt really going to make that big of a difference?

Over 60% of homeowners*, that's over 72 million households who are highly interested in growing food at their home, so what if your project would incorporate a beautiful botanical park style landscape that is exclusively made out of edible plants?

Implementing our nutrifarms concept in your project allows you to increase home value, charge higher lot premiums, differentiate yourself from other developments and sell your home(s) faster. Interested to learn more or find out how you can implement this with little to no funds out of pocket?

Want more information?

Nutrifarms can help you turn the entrance to your community, water reservoirs, utility green zones and even flood plains into productive, beautiful spaces. Our experts complete everything from A-Z; including installation, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and delivery.

When Nutrifarms harvests your produce, it is centralized at the Nutrihub where it gets cleaned, sorted, weighed, and packaged. The net value of the produce is added to your digital Nutrifarms account where you can generate an additional revenue stream for yourself or pass the benefit on to the HOA.

Want to see what you can do with your space?

For questions, call us at (682) 900-3330


Garden of Hope

Gil Hodges Community

Porter Court

Mcleod’s Community Garden

Family Garden

Los Amigos Community
